April Fool SMS

When March goes on forever, And Aprils twice as long, Who gives a damn if spring has come, As long as winters gone.

In your life, when you wake up & don’t see any one, then come to me, I’ll be there to hold Ur hand & take you to the EYE SPECIALIST

This cat, is cat, a cat, good cat, way cat, to cat, keep cat, an cat, idiot cat, busy cat, for cat,20 cat, seconds cat !… Now read it without the word cat.

Watch ND TV news hurry!!!
India is selected for super 8 because Srilankan Players got caught in drug test!
Stupid April fool!

Today, tomorrow and forever there will be one heart that would always beat for you.
You know Whose???
Your Own Stupid!!!

Hey get ready, my marriage is fixed.

Its on 1st of April. Surprised?

Stupid, 1st April is April fool, and u r the 1st person whom I fooled.

Some One..
Misses U..
Needs U..
Worries About U
Lonely Without U
Guess Who?

A – U r Attractive
B – U r the Best
C – U r Cute
D – U r Dear 2 Me
E – U r Excellent
F – U r Funny
G – U r Good-Looking
H – he he he……..
I – I’m
Happy April Fool Day!

So Sweet is Ur SMILE???
so Sweet is Ur STYLE???
so Sweet is Ur VOICE???
so Sweet is Ur EYE?????
see …….how Sweetly I LIE.
Happy April Fool Day!

When things go wrong
When sadness fills your heart
When tears flow in your eyes
Always remember 3 things
1) I am with you
2) You have money
3) Bar is open, Lets go.
Happy April Fool Day.

Your girlfriend is:
In short she is your S.I.S.T.E.R.

U will be a ROSE for all TREES
U will be a SMILE
for all FACES
U will be WATER FALLS for all HILLS
U will be a BROTHER
for all CUTE GIRLS .

If today any 1 talks & praises u 4 ur
1) good looks
2 ) nature
3 ) style
4 ) attitude,
kick them off.
How dare they fool u before April 1st.

You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!!
Just a second, don’t misunderstand.
CUTE means:
C: Creating
U: Useless
T: Troubles
E: Everywhere..
Happy April Fool Day

Am Going To U.S.A.
Don’t Worry The Flight Is After 4 Days
After 4 Days it’s 1st April,
U r 1st Fool Of 2010

If u don’t mind

If u don’t feel bad

If don’t hesitate


give me a






kissan jam bottle
Happy April fool Day

Category: April Fool SMS

4 Responses on “April Fool SMS”

rahul says:

hihihihiiiiiiiiii i like it its very funny n amazing 2 tease frnds

shres says:

hahahahahahahah very funnyyyyyyyyyyyy

minu says:

hihihihiiiiiiiiii i like it its very funny n amazing 2 tease frnds

floxy says:

i do love this keep it up des

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