Good Day SMS

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Good Day Messages

God gave you a promise that you wont have to face life alone…for when you grow weak in your struggles, His strength will prevail and not your own.

Whatever happens 2 ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem 2 b solved but a gift 2 b enjoyed. Make Everyday ur best day!

God created mornings so that we can say how great the previous day has been and how wonderful the next 24 hours would be!

The new life I have is a life lived by Jesus; At the right hand of God, He directs my path.

Baby, my world revolves round you, d centa of my existence dat’s u, making my evryday wotwile, so i’m sending dis txt wit a big smil!!!

Someday somehow whatever u prayed for will come true.
It may not be in the exact package u wanted
But it’ll b what God thinks is best for U.
Gud Day!

Dreams visit us whn v are asleep bt GOD is truly wise, he wakes us up each day nd gives us every chance to make our dreams come true! Gud Morning

A word of love gives spice to life. A word from a friend gives pleasure and happiness to the heart. And the word of God gives light and meaning to our lives. Good morning.

Never blame a day in ur life…Good Days Give u happiness..Bad days give u Experience…Both are essential in life…!!! All are Gods blessings!!!…Have a nice day…

The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you.

Good Day SMS

God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day…and I just caught one that’s so nice and true…it’s you!

Living in the favorable and unfavorable situation is called Part of living. But, smiling in all those situations is called Art of living. Good Day!

If your eyes are sweet you Would like all the people of The world. But if you tongue is sweet All the people of the world Will like you.

The single finger which wipes out tears during our failure is much better than the 10 fingers which comes together to clap for our victory ! Good Day!

We never hv what we like, we never like what we hv still we live, luv n hope that some day we’ll get what we luv or luv what we hv! That’s life. Hv a nice day!

A day may start or end without a message from me, bt believe me… It wont start or end without me thinking ov u… See, I just did! Take care! You HAVE A NICE DAY!

In God’s eyes, love is never absent.
In God’s heart, forgiveness is never impossible.
In God’s embrace, no one is ever alone or forgotten. God Bless!

Conscience: The inner voice that tells us that Someone is looking.

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom but we simply have to trust His will. God bless you all the way.

Prayer seeks for wisdom, not simply answers. It looks for courage, not simply help. It seeks for the gift of persistence, not only quick solutions. God bless you.

Good Day Text SMS

Life is good when somebody remembers. Life is uplifting when someone is always there. Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer. Cherish life because Someone always cares.

Hello, how are you today? May Christ shine in everything you do, with a prayer that you’ll always be safe, not only today, but always.

Never a weakness that He can’t fill. Never a sickness that He can’t heal. Never a sorrow that He doesn’t share. Moment by moment- you are under Jesus care.

I’ve known you before you knew me. I tried to get your attention, but you’re so busy. I want you to give all and make you mine. I proved my love when I gave you my life.

God sees you just exactly as you are He sees you perfectly and more truly than people can, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine.

There are two eternities that can really break u down, Yesterday & Tomorrow. One is gone & other doesnt exist! So live today only..
Have a nice day.

Words can xpress all that
Words can xpress all that u think..So,today on WORLD WORDS day,i ask a small favor.
DEFINE me in one sentence.
And plz be serious.I m waiting….

Search for truth and you shall find beauty. Search for beauty and you shall find love. Search for love and you shall find God. Search for God and you shall have them all!

May your salty days be peppered with spicy love. May u bask in lemon sunshine, play on strawberry fields, under a vanilla sky.. In short have a Yummy day!

Only a fish knows the splendor of the sea. Only a Christian knows the glory of God.

10 Good Day Text Messages

Whatever happens tö Ür day, jüst relax & manage tö smìle. Life ìs nöt a pröblem tö be sölved, it’s a gìft tö be enjöyed. Make everyday Ür best day..

24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day
7 sweet days make 1 sweet week
4 sweet week make 1 sweet month but..
1 sweet person like u makes whole life sweet…

Lovely wishes 2 a lovely person from a lovely person 4 a lovely reason at a lovely time in a lovely mood in a lovely style 2 say a HAVE A GUD DAY

When earthly help is no avail, there’s one friend who will never fail. Just lift your eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Have a worry free day!

It’s not the presence of someone that brings meaning to Life. But the way Someone touches your HEART gives LIFE a Beautiful Meaning.

These r the wonderful pairs in this world: Heart n Beats; Night n Moon; Birds n Songs; Roses and Love; You n Your smile. So keep smiling and have a nice day

When God drops needles and pins along your path in life, don’t avoid them. Pick them up and collect them. They were designed to teach you to be stronger.

10 Good Day SMS

In the ocean of life, God is our buoyant force. No matter how strong the wind and how gigantic the waves are, we will not sink because we are anchored to Him.

Journey to God starts with one small step at a time. He doesn’t expect you to run the mile — but HE promises to give you strength to go the distance.

The Lord is waiting above to give you His grace and send you His love. Whatever your cross, whatever the pain, God always sends a rainbow after the rain.

It’s not how high you build your dream that makes a difference, but how high your faith can climb. It’s not how much you accomplish but how many lives you touch.

As butterflies open their wings to meet the coming of a new day, may the angels do the same and carry you on their wings to keep you safe throughout the day.

Which u had never seen before,
And which u’ll never see again…

Bright be d road you are walking,
Light be d load you are carrying,
Sweet be d home you are staying,
Happy be d day you are foreseeing
Have Gud Day

Don’t work too hard to give yourself the best of everything, instead make a greater effort to give God the best of yourself.

When God closes a door, He opens a window… But at times He shuts both. Worry not for He would tear down the roof… So His blessings could overflow. God Bless!

I can love you but God can love you deeper. I can be a friend but God can be your best friend. I can hug you but God can envelope you. You can cry to me but God can dry your tears. I can hold your hand but God can carry you.