Smile SMS

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Smile Text Messages

It’s 2 common 2 hear..
How R u?
What’s going on..?
how was the day?
let us start with something different…
Did U smile 2day.?
if not, do it now..

KILL d Stress B4 it Kills U
REACH d Goal B4 it Kicks U
HELP Every1 B4 Sum1 Helps U
LIVE Life B4 Life Leaves U
Keep smiling:-)

A cup of coffee and a chat
Can get one through the day
Just a smile from warm, kind eyes
Gives more than words can say

Best advice in two lines:
“Silence is the best answer for all questions…”
“Smiling is the best reaction in all situations…”

Dreams makes everything
possible,hope makes everything
works,love makes everything
beautiful,smile makes all the
above keep smiling always.

Sharp is Ur memory,
Sweet is Ur name,
Deep in my heart,
U will always remain,
Earth want water,
Flower wants dew,
I want nothing but a smile from U.

May Smile Be There In
The World Forever!
Try To Make An Effort For The Same.
“A Smile Bring More Smiles
So Always Keep Smiling
To Spread Smile To Miles!”

Smile in ease,
Smile in pain,
Smile when trouble,
pour like rain,
smile when someone hurt ur feelings,
smiles you know are very hailing…

2day i meet her and told about u she told me she would like 2 see u any time 2day
she is very cute!
Her Name is
She Has COME…..

Rose is Famous 4 Grace…
Advocate is Famous 4 his Case…
Horses r Famous 4 Race…
But u r Famous 4 Smile on Ur Face…!
have a nice day

thousands of languages around this world,
but smile can beat them all..
SMILE is the language even a baby can speak
keep smiling

If someone is too tired to give you
a smile, leave one of your own,
because no one needs a smile as
much as those who have none to give.
So Keep Smiling.

Dear Friends…
Smile Every Morning
and life is BATTERY..
whenever you smile,
the Battery gets charged.,
and a Beautiful day is activated…..
so…Keep Smiling
Best Wishes..

Smile SMS Messages

Rose is Famous 4 Grace…
Advocate is Famous 4 his Case…
Horses r Famous 4 Race…
But u r Famous 4 Smile on Ur Face…!
So keep smiling forever…….

Smile For The Ones You Love…
A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy…
Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes …
But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything …
And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless …
So smile always

In the morning,
sun gazes at me to make me happy…
Cool breeze hugs me to see my smile…
Birds sings to make me smile….
But my dear,
They don’t know that
my smile is incomplete until
I remember your face…

Emotions don’t have words,
Wishes don’t have scripts,
If u smile, world is with u,
Otherwise even a drop of tear doesn’t like to stay with u..
So keep smiling!! 🙂

If you worry about a trouble it becomes double
but when you smile at it, it disappears like a bubble
so always smile at your problem.
keep smiling

“A single lovable smile is a proper key for many solutions and many confusions…!”
“So express your cute smile every moment”

A Pure heart person can have a
wonderful smile that even make
his Enemy to feel Guilty for being
his enemy. Keep smiling forever…..

Smile is not single is beautiful sentence.
so always keep smiling.

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”
thatz the way of life
keep smiling ..

Hi! am sending U a cheque of Rs.
SMILE/- withdraw it whenever U R
upset, otherwise keep it as a
balance 4evr in ur life.., KEEP SMiLing..

Do u know the relation between smile and your face?
Your face looks good with a smile but smile looks more good when it is on your face…So keep smiling.

Cute lines..!!
Don’t Depress urself in any moment of life.
Live it with a face full of smile.
Y waste time crying when u know u r here just for a while…!

Smile SMS

24 SmileS..
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
For You,
One For Each Hour.!
So ThaT You Keep SMiLiNG 24 HOURS of the DaY..

Shakespeare said don’t worry!
because if u r worried u get a wrinkle,
So why don’t u smile & get a dimple.
Always smile and be happy

Some times….When I’m all alone.
I close my eyes and think of you…
and the thought of your love worms
me inside and make me smile.

A smile gives red color 2 ur cheeks,
White 2 ur teeth,
Pink color 2 ur lips,
Silver color 2 ur eyes,
So keep smiling
enjoy the colors of life

S: Sets u free,
M: Makes u special,
I: Increases ur face value,
L: Lifts up ur spirits,
E: Erases all ur tensions,
So, please keep smiling.

Smile is a language of Love.
Smile is a way to get success,
Smile is to win the hearts.
Smile improves ur personality.
So, keep smiling 🙂

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I’d passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it’s worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Earth

Smile in ease,
Smile in pain,
Smile when trouble,
pour like rain,
smile when someone hurt ur feelings,
smiles you know are very hailing…

Thousands of languages around this world
“smile” can beat them all.
“Smile” is the Language even a BABY can speak..
So Keep Smiling……..

Smile SMS Text Messages

Simple music can make you sing,
A simple hug can make you feel better,
Simple things can make you happy.
Hope my simple Hi…!!!
Will make you smile

A sad girl was sitting with her boyfriend.
Boy: You are the 2nd most beautiful girl,
I’ve ever seen
Girl: Who’s the first?
Boy: It’s YOU! When u smile..!

Smile For The Ones You Love
A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy
Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes
But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything
And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless

In our life
happiness is more important than smile
cause smile comes from lips
but happiness comes from the heart

Earth’s unreal smiles make me feel that
Earth is Deception Queen.
Heaven’s unreal smiles make me feel that
Heaven is Negligence King.
My own unreal smiles make me feel that

Smile, my heart, smile.
ur smile means so much to me,
ur smile feeds my reality within,
ur smile liberates me from world-clamor and
Smile, my heart, smile.
Smile at least once in a while.

A Rupee iS Easy 2 Earn
a Smile iS Hard 2 Find
Rupee Loses iTs Value
Smile Increases iTs Worth
I Lost a Rupee Wen I sms U
Who Cares
iF I Won uR Smile ;->

U Maybe Tired of many greetings like
Gud Morning
Gud Noon
Hav A nice day
and so on . . .
Now here’s my simple fresh line
Can U smile 4 me once.:-)

Smile is a language of Love.
Smile is a way to get success,
Smile is to win the hearts.
Smile improves ur personality.
So, keep smiling 🙂

Hey Genius
Yes You
You Are Smiling
Because I Called you Genius
Sometimes We Need to Lie Just to See Your Sweet Smile…
Keep Smiling. 🙂

There is Always a Reason for Everything
A Reason to Live
A Reason to Die
A Reason to Cry
If you cant Find a Reason to Smile.
Then Can I be the Reason for a While?

Smile is a bird
Who flies from face to face
May your lips give it a better nest
So that?
It may stay there
Forever and Ever
Keep Smiling!

SMS For Smile

Don’t b Happy 4 a Specific Reason.
B’coz that Happiness will b
End when the Reason ends.
Try to B Happy without any Reason
U will b Happy Forever.
Keep Smiling

“U r never fully DRESSED without a smile”
(Martin Charnin)
“Beauty is POWER; smile is its SWORD”
(Charles Reade)
“People seldom notice OLD clothes if u wear a BIG smile”
(Lee Mildon)
“A smile is an INEXPENSIVE way to change ur LOOKS”
(Charles Gordy)
Keep smiling

Girls misuse it!
models sell it!
photographers cage it!
doctors advice it!
death freezes it!
artists create it!
Guess, what’s that?

Wonderful Combination
in this World..
Heart & beats
Night & Moon
Music & Songs
Roses & Love
My costly SMS
& ur totally free SMILE!

Don not go for looks,
they can deceive.
Don not go for wealth,
even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile
b’coz only a smile makes a dark day seem bright.

No one is born happy.
But all of us are born
with the ability to create happiness.
So today, make others happy.
Flash your sweetest smile.

A gun can kill someone.
Fire can burn someone.
Wind can chill.
Anger can rage till it tears you apart.
But the power of your smile can heal a frozen heart.

one candle enough to cut darkness.
one true friend enough to make life happy.
one good guide enough for success.
one SMS from you enough to make me smile.

Of all the smiles you received today,
there is a smile you didn’t receive.
A smile not from the lips
but from the heart,
a smile that came from me to you.

Always be Happy, always wear a smile;
Not because life is full of reasons to smile
but because your smile itself is a reason
for many others to smile.

When you smile it like a sunrise to me.
and I want a daily sunrise in my life.
so keep S*M*I*L*I*N*G

If each leaf of a tree is your smile
then I promise you my dear,
I will water it through out my life
to see your evergreen smile forever

A smile is a way of
writing your thoughts on your face,
telling others that they are accepted,
liked and appreciated.
so, here’s a big smile for you telling
you that you are appreciated

Tears are more truthful than smile
because you can smile in front of everyone
but you will only cry in front of
one who is special for you.

It is a
M”ind touching”
L”ong lasting”
E”ffect which Wins the hearts.
Its your “SWEET SMILE”
So Keep smiling always,
good morning!