Christmas SMS

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25 Best Merry Christmas Greetings

May the jòy and peace òf Christmas be with yòu all thròugh the Yèar. Wishing yòu a season of blessings fròm heaven abòvè.
Warmest greetings for Christmas

For my one and only Girlfriend- Angel eyes Sweetest, Loveliest, Delicious, Gorgeous
Cherry Babe Marry Christmas

May àll the sweet màgic of Christmàs conspirè
To glàdden your hearts and fill èvery desirè.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way.
Wish you, all the best and joy always & always

Let this Christmas be a marvellous moments. Let this Christmas be a wondrous holiday season.
Let this Christmas be a joyous celebration full of fun. Let this Christmas share love and cheer with everyone.

It is the month of Çàkès Ñ Çàndlès, Snòw n Sòngs, Çàrols n Joys, Làughtèr n Lòve,
Its dècembèr Wishing yòu a Blèssèd Mònth òf Christmàs!!

From home to home and heart to heart, From one place to another,
The warmth and joy of Christmas, Brings us closer to each other. Merry X-Mas

Let the spirit of love gently fill our hearts and homes. Let the spirit of joy and generous cheer fill our hearts and homes.
Let the cherish moments of Christmas bring happiness and prosperity for everyone.

Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new, Lets cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas

Ì wish Ú this Chrístmàs enriches ur lífe Mày eàch day b hàppy & bríght,
Óverflòwíng with pleàsure & lòve Mày ur Chrístmàs be filled with delíght

From home to home and heàrt to heàrt, From one place to ànother,
The wàrmth and joy of Christmàs, Sweet contentment, generous cheer Brings us closer to each other.

Make the most of it. Christmas is not a time nor a season,
But a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

May lovely, happy times decorate this time of the season. May warm, special memories brighten your new year.
May the wonder of Christmas be with you forever.

Christmas may be many things Or it may be a few.
Fòr yòu, the jòy Is each new tòy Fòr me its watching u.

Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful, May you have all the three for this Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS

A silent night A star above A blessed gift of hope and love
A blessed Christmas to you!

Bells are Ringing ThE wishes Of Christmas Day…
The Flying snokflakes send my most sincere wishes To U & ur Family… MERRY CHRISTMAS

Lòve còmè dòwn at Çhristmàs; Lòvè àll lòvely, lòve divinè;
Lòvè wàs bòrn at Çhristmàs, Stàrs & àngèls gàvè thè sign. Mèrry Chrístmàs

Ì wísh Ú Lòvely X-màs Ì wísh Ú Favòràblè ”
Ì wísh Ú Enjòyàblè” U shall nòt Lack in thís X-màs thy Lòrd shàll providè tò Ú! Mèrry X-Màs.

Jínglè bèlls Jínglè bèlls whàt fun it is tò
wísh òur friends à vèry hàppy mèrry chrístmàs.

Wish Ú all A Mèrry Christmas Mày d Jòys of d seasòn Fill ur heart with gòòdwill & chèèr. Mày d chimes of Christmas glòry
Ádd up mòre shine & spread Smiles acròss the miles Tòday & In d Nèw Yèar

Mày Your Christmas timè bè bright from d mòmènt it starts, With màny wòndèrful things thàt brings jòy 2 yòur heàrt,
& mày èach day, thròughòut d yèar, Bring èven mòre gladnèss & chèer. Mèrry Christmàs & à Hàppy Nèw Yèar!

Ònè X’mas Tréè! Óné Lakh Càndlès! Ònè Cròre Bàlòòns! Ónè Milliòn Stàrs!
Óné Billiòn Wishès! Òne Heàrty Prayer! Hàppy X-màs.

Let the world rejoice Christmas Eve Sharing peace and love
For on this joyous Christmas day Christ came from above.

May this Christmas bring New Surprises and special gifts.
All special things Best Friends ever or special one.

Sms Of Christmas Day

Mày Úr Christmas timè bè bright from d mòmènt it starts, With màny wòndèrful things thàt brings jòy 2 yòur heàrt,
& mày èach day, thròughòut d yèar, Bring èven mòre gladnèss & chèer. Mèrry Christmàs & à Hàppy Nèw Yèar

From home to home and heart to heart, From one place to another, The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other. Merry X-Mas

Make the most of it. Christmas is not a time nor a season, But a state of mind.
To cherish peace and goodwill, To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

May lovely, happy times decorate this time of the season. May warm, special memories brighten your new year.
May the wonder of Christmas be with you forever.

Lòve còmè dòwn at Çhristmàs; Lòvè àll lòvely, lòve divinè;
Lòvè wàs bòrn at Çhristmàs, Stàrs & àngèls gàvè thè sign. Mèrry Chrístmàs

1 Little * Star * On The Top Of The Tréè 2 Little Presents Underneath For Mé 3 Silver Ropes Twisted Around The Tréè 4 Colored Light Shining Prettily, 5 Shining Halls Flowing Silvery. Oh, What A Sight For Use To Séè. Wish You A Merry Christmas..

Dear friends open box of wonderous Christmas 🎁 gift for You-
The 🎁 gift of Love.
The 🎁 gift of Hope.
The 🎁 gift of Joy.
The 🎁 gift of Peace.
The 🎁 gift of Prosperity.
The 🎁 gift of Happiness.
The 🎁 gift of Good Things.
The 🎁 gift of Good Tidings.
The 🎁 gift of Good Times.
The 🎁 gift of Good Cheer.
Through the year My Dear…

May this Christmas season sparkle and shine, May all of your wishes and dreams come true, And may you feel this delight all year through. You make the stars shine brighter and the winter days warmer 💏 just by being in my 👫 life. Merry Christmas to my cutie-pie.

A little smile, a word of cheer, A bit of love from someone near, A little gift from one held dear,
Best wishes for the coming year… These make a Merry Christmas!

Silent night silvery snow. Evergreen tree bright and aglow.Christmas is here bringing good cheer
May it bring for you. Gifts of love and joy too Merry Christmas!!

May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MARRY CHRISTMAS

Have an icy icy christmas, with buttering msgs, chocolaty calls,
creamy thoughts, fruity funs, wid plumpy plays & jumpy joys. Merry christmas

Let this Christmas be a marvelous moments. Let this Christmas be a wondrous holiday season.
Let this Christmas be a joyous celebration full of fun. Let this Christmas share love and cheer with everyone.

Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill, But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.

Ì wish Ú this Chrístmàs enriches ur lífe Mày eàch day b hàppy & bríght,
Óverflòwíng with pleàsure & lòve Mày ur Chrístmàs be filled with delíght

Christmas commemorates the birth of the son of God, Jesus Christ and truly, the world becomes a delightful place on the day.
It sweeps the magic wand and the snowy outdoors and joyous indoors fills the heart of one and all.

Messages Of Merry Christmas

The recipe for a merry Christmas Eve is quite simple. A lot of love, the same amount of peace together with people who love you. Merry Christmas

When Christmas Eve comes, forget about all your troubles. Remember we celebrate the birth of our savior. Merry Christmas

It is Christmas Eve, the angels sing in heaven, children play on earth and all our hearts are full with love. Let us celebrate as one family.

I do not this day to go by without you remembering the good time we had together this year. Have a merry Christmas Eve, my friend.

Christmas puts me in a very good mood, and so it reminded me of you, my great friend. From my heart I wish you spend a merry Christmas Eve with all your family.

The most special gift we can make to our loved ones is our love and our time, as both are something that cannot be bought anywhere. Merry Christmas!

The most beautiful celebration of all is Christmas. I hope you get to share beautiful memories of your childhood with your children and that you tell them about the true meaning of this holiday.

I want to greet my family for being the greatest support I have in life, and my friends for being by my side in good times and bad times. May God bless you and your family, merry Christmas.

December is a very special month as our hearts open up and only the best feelings prevail. I hope the magic of Christmas lasts throughout the year so that we live in peace and harmony.

Celebrating Christmas is the perfect reason for us to feel very happy, as God allows us to gather with our loved ones and spend unforgettable moments with them.

As Christmas approaches we renew our hopes because thinking about baby Jesus fills our souls with happiness. I hope you have a nice Christmas Eve.

I will have the best Christmas Eve of all because I will be with you. When I am with you I do not need anything else because your love fills any gap. Merry Christmas, my love.

At midnight there will be fireworks in the sky, and looking at the night lights I will think of how you light up my soul with love. Merry Christmas Eve.

May this Christmas be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout!

Bells are ringing the wishes of christmas day the flying snowflakes send my most sincere blessings to you merry christmas.

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window, grabs you and puts you in a sack don’t worry I told Santa I wanted you for CHRISTMAS. HAPPY CHRISTMAS

10 Text Sms Of Merry Christmas

A delightful, magical and awesome Christmas to you sweetheart because you are as special as the season.

Forget all your worries and be ready for every moment of joy this season – Merry Christmas

Christmas is all about dedication and happiness – Happy Christmas to you.

The biggest gift ever received this season is the gift of your heart – Merry Christmas.

The joy of Christmas abide with you always – yes to the end.

It’s the month of love and laughter, the season of carol and joy – Wishing you a blessed Christmas.

You are as special as the season; sweetheart Delightful, magical and awesome
Merry Christmas to you.

Happy birthday Jesus!

There is no Christmas without a gift, and you are a gift to me.

Loving Christmas wish is sent to you To make all dreams come true May happiness and mirth abound
And be yours throughout the year.

Text Sms Of Christmas

🎊 Christmas is love 💝
🎉 Christmas is dedication ⛄
🎁 Christmas is Happiness 🎅
🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄

Jingle bell.. jingle bell 🔔
🎄Jingle all the way.. 🎄
Sleep well.. Santa’s coming 🎅
Wish u a Merry Christmas…

चाँद ने अपनी चांदनी बिखेरी है,
और तारो ने आसमा को सजाया है,
लेकर तौफा अमन और प्यार का,
देखो स्वर्ग से सांताक्लॉस आया है…
Happy Christmas !

क्रिसमस आया क्रिसमस आया,
बच्चों का है मन ललचाया।
सैंटाक्लॉज आएंगे, नए खिलौने लाएंगे।
सैंटाक्लॉज ने दी आवाज, एनी आओ,
पेनी आओ, जॉनी आओ, जॉन आओ,
यीशु की ये याद का दिन है,
बच्चों का ये प्यार का दिन है।

May Almighty God Shower You
With His Love
During This Christmas
And Meet All Your Needs
And Elevate You Higher
Happy Christmas Day

My lóve, make my Wish cóme True
All I want fór Christmas is Yóu

May love fill every moment as your family gathers near, Beneath the glittering branches of your Christmas tree this year. And may those special wishes that are meant for all of you, Remind you that you’re close to heart and loved the whole year through. Wishes with love for all of you. Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.

Christmas Greetings from our House to yours, May the Season be bright and the year that’s ahead turn out to be just right. With warmest wishes for Good Health and Happiness. Have a very Merry Christmas And a wonderful New Year!

In this X-mas, In the daytime if sun shine so shall Ur expectations come true, At night when moon comes out so shall U receive blesses, then if rain fall so shall it going to carry all your problem away from U! Happy Merry Christmas