Encourage Text SMS

Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.
Don’t say to god: ‘why me?’ instead say:
‘try me!’ let’s live a courageous and challenging life.

Anything that encourages the growth of emotional
Ties between men must operate against war. – sigmund freud

You can live opposite of what you profess,
But you cannot live opposite of what you believe.

Each of us is a star.
Sometimes we shine with the rest.
Sometimes we twinkle alone.
Sometimes when we least know it,
We make someone’s wish come true. God bless!

Lucky means who gets the oppurtunity.
Brilliant means who creates the oppurtunity.
Winner means who uses the oppurtunity…,
Have a winning attitude…

Don’t get mad. Get everything! – ivana trump

The world will provide you with stones every day;
What you build out of it is you outlook – a bridge or a wall.

Bell is soundless until some1 rings it,
Song makes no sense until some2 sings it,
Dont hide ur feelings coz its not
Called feelings until others fel it.

For success…..
Fix missions not any tom cruise movie or military episode…
Short term goals to achieve….
As we know small drops of water can some day make an ocean…

Nice to read and follow: if you miss anything don’t fill your eyes with tears.
It may hide yet another beautiful thing standing in front of you.

Category: Encourage SMS

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