World Rhino Day SMS

World Rhino Day SMS

If we don’t make a quick move; there will be no rhinoceroses left on this planet. Therefore, let’s take an oath to create awareness on this World Rhino Day!

“We cannot call ourselves humans if we cannot save the innocent rhinoceroses.”

Let us join hands to save rhinos because they are an important part of our world and we will always need them.” World Rhino Day

“Rhinos are wonderful animals and they need to be saved because they don’t deserve to die. World Rhino Day

“All they want is some peace and love and we must give them both….. Let us save rhinos for they belong to this planet…. World Rhino Day.”

It is extraordinary that associations and zoos and asylums everywhere in the world are attempting to safeguard and spare the rhinoceroses. Support them all on this World Rhino Day!

We represent the assurance of rhinoceroses, and we will do whatever we can to support them. World Rhino Day

It would be best if you spared the rhinoceros, then you can help by showing others the significance of safeguarding them. World Rhino Day

Let us appreciate the animal activists today for their dedication to the rhinoceroses and other animals and we will do whatever we can to support you all. World Rhino Day

Rhinoceros are amazing animals and they do not deserve to die. World Rhino Day.

Sadly, people are killing the rhinoceros, and sadder that they are now considered to be endangered. Have an awareful World Rhino Day!

It is unacceptable to see them killed for selfish reasons of human beings. World Rhino Day!

Only we human beings can save these beautiful rhinoceroses and it is high time that we do that. Have a Happy World Rhino Day everybody!

These rhinoceroses are precious. Save them and Have an awareful World Rhino Day!

The rhinos are majestic creatures that do not deserve to be killed. Save them. World Rhino Day

What is humanity if you cannot save the lives of innocent animals like rhinoceroses? Be kind World Rhino Day

It is a shame that we kill rhinoceroses for their hides while forgetting completely that their lives are as precious as ours. World Rhino Day

Rhinoceroses have lives too and their lives matter if you agree, Step forward and help us in saving them. World Rhino Day

Only we people can protect these rhinoceroses, and the opportunity has already come and gone that we do that. World Rhino Day

On the occasion of World Rhino Day, let’s decide to take efforts to save rhinoceroses.