Hug Day SMS - Page 4

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Hug Day Text SMS

A hug can say i will miss you.`it can say ur special,`or best of all,`i love you.`it can soothe a hurt,`or calm a fear,`or cheer us`when were blue.`So here a hug for you.

Meaning of Hugs:-
H- appy feelings shared
U- niversally warm & fuzzy
G- reat 2 give & 2 receive
S- ure 2 make anyone’s day
I hope this
Makes ur day brighter.

I Love you more today than I did yesterday,
But not as much as I will tomorrow.

Never wait until tomorrow to hug someone you could hug today,
Because when you give one, you get one right back your way.

God has gifted me these arms,
So that I can delightfully hug you and fill you up with charm Happy Hug Day.

If I had wings I would fly
To embrace you in a loving hug
So that problems just pass by
Happy Hug Day.

Hug is surely the best memory and the shortest distance which the friends share.Happy Hug Day Dear

We’ve known each other,
For a long long time,
But I never really noticed,
All the magic in your eyes,
I’ve been around you,
A thousand times before,
And you’ve always been a friend to me,
But now I’m wanting more..
I want a hug from you..
Happy Hug day

Hug is the loving gift that costs no money and can be distributed for free to make the love grow. Love you honey on the hug day.

During the lowest phase of your life a simple hug from that special someone can turn your tears to joy.Happy Hug Day.

When you Hug someone,
it’s nothing.
When someone Hug you,
it’s something.
When you love someone and they love you back,
it’s everything.’
Happy Hug Day………

I know You love gifts
I am sending you one that is huge ..
Its a hug from me to you!
Happy hug Day dear….

Hug Day Messages

Worrying doesn’t reduce Yesterdays sorrow
But it empties today’s strength
So don’t worry Be happy and HUG the life with a smile.

If a hug represented how much I loved you, I would hold you in my arms forever.Wish you a happy hug day.

Some thing warm and cozy
Just for you because
I love you ..
I am sending u a hug dear

Never ask for a hug Just take it
Never ask Do You Love me Say I Love you
Never say I Can’t live without you
Say I live for you. you’ve been trained
Now go and FLIRT !

If you hesitate when I hold ur hand, i will let you go. If you run away when I give you a kiss, i will let you go. But once you let me give you a hug, just once… I will never let you go.

Just do me a favor,
Put ur left hand on ur right shoulder and
Ur right hand on ur left shoulder.
Guess what …
I just messaged you a hug.

Hug someone you love and tell how much you care because
When they are gone no matter how loud you shout and
Cry they won’t hear you anymore.

A sweet friend is like a pillow
When you are tired you sleep on it
When you are sad you drop tears on it
When you are angry you punch it
When you are happy you hug it.

A hug delights and warms and charms,
That must be why God gave us arms.

Close your eyes.hug the air.listen 2ur heart beat.i’m there in front of you,hugging you back,listening to our hearts beat as 1.

A hug is a great gift… One size fits all.
It can be given for any occasion
And it’s easy to exchange.

When my arms can’t reach people
Who are close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers.
May God grant you
What ur heart desires and keep you happy..

Hug Day SMS

Sometimes a hug speaks volumes
When someone’s feeling low
And more then words are needed
To set a heart a glow.

My sweetest memory-UR message.
My biggest sadness-The distance
My biggest hope-i will HUG you soon
My strongest prayer relation continues forever.

In your arms I feel so great
The warmth
The love
Best place is in that state
Love me
Hold me
Kiss me
Hug me

1 2,
I Love You,
3 4
Love Me More,
5 6
Give Me Kiss,
7 8
Don’t Be Late,
9 10
Hug Me Then

Life is a bug at times
For those times and always
Here’s a HUG from
Me to say …
Don’t worry
Be happy on this Hug Day!

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles….. For smiles can be given to any one but tears are only shed for people we Hug.

Since ur eyes are looking tired
Let ur eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy Hug Day to my dear one.

You can’t wrap love in a box,
But you can wrap a person in a hug.
A hug charms,warms
And makes everyone happy.
That must be why God gave us arms.
So here is a hug for you.

Alone? I’ll be ur shadow.
Want to cry? Here’s my shoulder.
Need a hug? I’ll hold you tight.
Bcoz where ur strength ends,
My worth of being ur love begins.

Cutest proposal ever by a boy of 5th standard-
Boy- Do you hug ur teddy bear while sleeping at night??
Gal- Yes!
Boy- Can I replace it for the rest of ur life?? 😉

Got a gift for you!
No cost!
No batteries required! Tax free,
Performs silently, extremely personal!
Fully returnable!
Its a hug from ME to You!!

A hug is a handshake from the heart.So always remain close to my heart and best wishes on this hug day.