Hug Day SMS - Page 3

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Hug Day Sms

“Did you know that, if you visualize, you can actually hug on the phone?”
Happy Hug Day!

“She gave her a long embrace, like pie baking in the warmth of an oven.”
Happy Hug Day!

“My beautiful son I can’t wait to see his face, hug him, and spend time with him.”
Happy Hug Day!

“A hug it’s been holding me back from achieving my goals.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Hug your customers but also offer handshake to your competitors.”
Happy Hug Day!

“I wanted my home to be a haven, like coming in from the cold to a big warm hug.”
Happy Hug Day!

“For as long as it takes for the sorrow and pain to transfer into acceptance. I’ll stay here. With you. By your side. I won’t leave. Promise? Vow. I placed his hands gently on the piano. I vow.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Take time to laugh, to talk, to hug, and to cry. These are the human relief valves.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Never underestimate the power of the words ‘I love you’ or the comfort of a simple hug. Grow your love daily.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Sometimes all you can do is hug a friend tightly and wish that their pain could be transferred by touch to your own emotional hard drive.”
Happy Hug Day!

Happy Hug Day Text Sms

“Hollywood has given me a great, warm hug.”
Happy Hug Day!

“People I’ve never spoken to before come up to me and give me a hug.”
Happy Hug Day!

“I have yet to meet a person whose favorite movie is ‘Gigi’, but I hope to meet them one day and give them a hug.”
Happy Hug Day!

“My dad doesn’t hug me enough!”
Happy Hug Day!

“I’m a huge dog person; I love to hug and kiss them.”
Happy Hug Day!

“If beautiful movies can influence you to go out and hug your children, then we have to be honest and say that other movies can inspire you to do bad things.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Love is like encountering a forest and having to chop down every tree but one. Oh, and you have to chop down each tree by hugging it until it falls.”
Happy Hug Day!

“I laugh with them because it is one of the worst things to be in a room full of people and not laughting when everybody else is.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Be the first to hug and you will be the most to be the hugged.”
Happy Hug Day!

“I never realized the warmth of his hug, until he was not around when I need it. ‘Oh Dad! I miss you.”
Happy Hug Day!

Happy Hug Day Sms Collection

“My boss said she had to let me go. I was sad, but it was OK, because we’d been hugging for over an hour.”
Happy Hug Day!

“I couldn’t remember anyone hugging me like that before.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Hold my hands; kiss my forehead, hug me and look in my eyes; maybe today is the last day you can do this.”
Happy Hug Day!

“Love is not complicated—just smile, hug, kiss, be kind, and repeat.”
Happy Hug Day!

“The police called it choking, but I called it a two-handed neck hug. That’s how I knew she really loved me.”
Happy Hug Day!

“May we embrace one another with love, a smile and a warm hug?”
Happy Hug Day!

I hug employees all the time. I’m a huge contact person. Touch is an extremely important part of the human condition.
Happy Hug Day!

“To keep the meeting professional, I called him Hughie Bear. Then I opted for a hug, rather than a formal introductory handshake.”
Happy Hug Day!

“A hug makes you feel good all day.”
Happy Hug Day!

“I wish I could just hug you all, but I’m not gonna.”
Happy Hug Day!

Hug Day SMS Collection

Let Me Live And Die In Your Arms.
Just Like This, Let Me Continue To Love You.
Let Me Live And Die In Your Arms.
Happy Hug day!!!

Love Me
Hold Me
Kiss Me
Hug Me
In Your Arms I Feel So Great!!!
Happy Hug Day

Do You Know?
There Is One Gift Which Can’t Be Given
Without Taking It Back…
That Is Why I Give You Hug
Which Can’t Be Giving Without Taking It Back.
Happy Hug Day!!

*** Never Wait Until 2mrrow To
Hug Someone You Could Hug 2day
Coz When You Give One You
Get One Right Back Your Way.
Happy Hug Day!

No Matter Where You Are
I’ll Always Find My Way To –
Hug You Tight And Shower You With My Kisses!!!
Happy Hug Day!

A Hug Is Just A Hug Till U Find The 1 you’re Always Thinking Of.
Happy Hug Day

*** Gift For You My Sweet heart,
Little Warm
And Little Cozy..
Here Is The Gift..
My Sweet Hug To You!
>>>(:-:)<<<< Happy Hug Day

1 2,
I Love You,
3 4
Love Me More,
5 6
Give Me Kiss,
7 8
Don’t Be Late,
9 10
Hug Me Then
Happy Hug Day

You Cant Wrap Love In A Box,
But U Can Wrap A Person In A Hug.
A Hug Charms, Warms
And Makes Everyone Happy!!!
That Must Be Why God Gave Us Arms.
So Here Is A Hug 4 You.
Happy Hug Day

Do you know…
There is one gift which can’t be given
without taking it back…
That is why I give you hug
which can’t be giving without taking it back.
Happy Hug Day !

Hug Day SMS Messages

No matter where you are
I’ll always find my way to ?
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses
I love only you!Wishing my dear a happy hug day.

What the heart gives away is never gone,
but kept in the hearts of others,
from dusk to dawn.
Hug Day you from the core of my heart.

After An Emotional Hug,
Girl whispers to Boy: If You Hug Me once More Like that,
I will be yours forever.
Boy: Thanks

( . . ) BEAR
( ‘ ” ‘ ) HUG!!
Happy Hug Day to my dear girlfriend..

TaLk to me wHen i’m boReD,
kiSS me wHen i’m saD,
hug me wHen i cRy,
caRe for me wHen i diE,
loVe me When i’m sTill Alive.
Happy hug dAY……

Sending you a hug to ease your stress.
a kiss to make you smile and my heart to say,
I’m thinking of you. i miss you!!
Happy Hug day to u dear….

There is a warm hug where you are A shoulder I can lean on Tenderness, Warmth, Smile, Happiness In short, where you are there is Everything I can dream of… Wishing my sweety a beautiful and joyful hug day…..

I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I Smile and Seem Carefree, There is no one Who misses you more than ME!Happy Hugs Day dear.

I’m sending you this hug…
A special hug for you
Happy Hug Day.

This hug will make you feel
Can you feel it?
Best wishes to you on this hug day.

Keep it going by passing
this hug on to your friends.
Enjoyable Hug Day.

Your arms were always open when I needed a hug.
ur heart understood when I needed a friend.
ur gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson.
ur strength and love has guided me & gave me wings.
Wishing you a happy hug day………