Samhain SMS

Tonight is the night when the veil between the dead and the alive thins and you get a glimpse of the spooky world….. Have a Happy Samhain.

It is time to call upon the task because it is the night of Samhain when we connect with the dead

On the occasion of Samhain, I wish that you don’t get frightened and enjoy this day with great strength….. Wishing you a very Happy Samhain.

I wish that the good wishes and blessings of the departed souls are always there to guide you, protect you and bring you happiness…. Happy Samhain!!!

On Samhain night, it is time to remember all the good witches who went out for us in the dark and protected us, and cared for us.

Let us remember our ancestors on the occasion of Samhain and make this day a day of blessings and happiness for all of us.

Samhain is the night when two worlds meet, it is the night when we honor and remember our ancestors….

May you celebrate your Samhain with positivity and happiness…. May there be protection and support for the departed souls in your life.

Category: Samhain SMS

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