New Year Messages

“Take care how you meet and greet with people
this New Year since broken spirits have no available spare parts!”

“This New Year I’m on a look out for a bank
that would give me a big loan and then forget me forever. ”

“I envy the mosquitoes since they can spend the
midnight hour with you and kiss you as the clock strikes New Year.”

“This New Year, may you handle yourself with
your brains, but comfort others with your heart.”

“This New Year, may you be Saved by many
friends who Enter your life to Delete all your Errors.”

“After making careful judgment, a brand New
Year contract has been drafted for you – make
sure to take full responsibility before you leap in.”

“New Year Resolution: tolerate friends and
family with extreme care even when they burn down your privacy!”

“New Year gives you the option all over to
again to view the glass in either perspective – half full or half empty.”

“Wish New Year was every man’s birthday when
people can wipe out all the unwanted and start afresh.”

“May this New Year be so prosperous that you
always extend your hand to greet friends and
never to ask for aid.”

Category: New Year SMS

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