Insult Texting SMS

Your face would not only stop a door, but also most clocks and a herd of charging buffalo

Hey Dude
A Piece Of Advice
For You … !!
Never Think Yourself As An Ugly Person
Always Consider
Yourself A Beautiful Monkey…… =P ;->

The following
“i Am that stupid who is wasting time in punctuating the sentence in which sender asked me stupid”
Punctuate and resend to me

> > B A d L u C k < < I W a n t T o K i L L T h e B i g g e s t F o o L O f T h e W o r l d 'B u t' I D n t K n o w Y o u r A d d r e s s .=P;->

If someone Hurts You, Ignore it
If You can’t Ignore it, Forget it
If You can’t Forget, Laugh at it
If You can’t Laugh, You Deserve It

Y O u R
I N t E L Li G E n C E
i S
M y
c O m M o N
s E n S E . = P. . .;->

U r on a bus & U need
2 fart …
But d music is really
loud, so U time Ur
farts with d beats.
After a couple ov
songs, U start 2 feel
better as U approach
Ur stop, as U r leaving
d bus, People REALLY
staring down at U n
that’s when U realize









You’ve been listening 2
Ur i Pod !!

U Know what. . .

AM Telling u Tom

In the morning I do not eat because I think of you, at noon I do not eat because I think of you, in the evening I do not eat because I think of you, at night I do not sleep because I am hungry

There an urgent meeting in the jungle! Everyone there.. lions, tigers, and ape, but the meeting cant start because the monkey is reading this text

Category: Insult SMS

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