Friendship Text SMS Collection

How long shall we be friends? Do you want a clue? As long as stars twinkle in the sky, as long as angels are there up high, till the water runs dry and till the day I die. We will be friends

Never walk away from a true friend.
When u c some faults,
B patient & realize that nobody is perfect.
It’s affection that matters,
Not perfection.

A best friend will be with you till the end.
A best friend will talk to you, cheer you up when you are blue.
A best friend will make you laugh when you cry
A best friend will never ever lie.
A best friend will be caring,
A best friend’s love will be unerring.
A best friend will let you tag along.

Never kiss a friend. If you have deeper feelings, never reveal them. You will lose that friend forever…”

Friends never make assumptions about you. They never expect a reason to go out with you. In fact friends only expect you to be you!”

Show me your best friend and i’ll tell you who you are

F=free frm all formalities
R=right to say any thing
I=in anyway
E=either good or bad
N=no sorry no thnx
D=daantna peetna allowed 24 hours

To know someone here or there
With whom you can feel
There is understanding
In spite of distances or
Thoughts expressed
That can make life a garden.”

Friends are like mornings..u can,t ve them the whole day…but you ve to be sure that they will be there tomorrow..the next day..and the day after…hope u are not a morning.

Category: Friendship SMS

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