Encourage Text SMS

The moment u think of giving up, think of da reason y u held so long!
Do or die’ is old saying,
Do it before u die is da latest…

Take a deep breath, and don’t let yourself free;
Never forget the power of love and light, and
Everything will be alright.

Faith is the very first thing you should pack in a hope chest.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is to not stop questioning.

When everything seems to be going against you,
Remember that the airplane takes off against the wind,
Not with it. – henry ford

It’s not being homeless that matters.
It’s about who you are keep striving and you become somebody.
quit and you also become somebody.. But not the same person. – robert kiyosaki

There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend. – katharine butler hathaway

All you can do if you’re on the outside
Is make sure you are adding something to the effort,
Whether it is being helpful around the team environment
Or doing extra training to motivate your teammates. – brett lee

Every time you do something that is important,
Write down what you expect will happen. – peter drucker

Cardio is the key.
I have a personal trainer who travels
With me if we have a big event coming up.
I work out every day but i need a trainer to motivate me..
I don’t find it much fun working out on my own. – rihanna

Category: Encourage SMS

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