Cool SMS

My blood is not costly,
It is very cheap. But,
My heart is very very costly,
Bcoz, it is full of

Last night i saw i dream in dream i saw an angel,
Angel asked me what do you want,
I told an angel to take care of you,
He said no,
But why,
He said “angelz dont take care of angelz”

The sweetest souls
Who love,cherish,inspire
& protect the angel
In you are your
Guardian angel …
They are your
Friends & family 🙂

Making a million friends is not an achievement,
The achievement is to make
A friend who will stand by you
When a million are against you….!

I wish an angel of
Mercy always sits
Next to you &
Covers you with gentle
Wings so that,
You walk wrapped in
Allah’s grace,
Protected & peaceful forever

A friend gives hope when life is low,
A friend is a place when you have nowhere to go,
A friend is honest, a friend is true.
A friend is precious a friend is u.

A beautiful qoute of the day !
If you can’t be a pencil
To write anyone’s happiness,
Then atleast try to be a nice rubber,
To erase everyone’s sorrow.

The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this earth
But rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care about.

Wonderful combination in this world.
Heart and beats.
Night and moon.
Music and songs.
Roses and love.
Fish and water.
My sms and your smile.

Rain is not only drops of water.
It is the love of sky for earth.
They never meet each other,
But send love this way.
Enjoy the love of nature.
Happy rainy day.

Category: Cool SMS

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