Cool SMS

If i get your smile,
I don’t need flowers,
If i get your voice,
I don’t need music,
If you speak to me,
I dont need anybody else,
You just be my friend,
I don’t need the world!

One day u may ask me:
What is more important to you,
Me or your life?
I will say: my life…
You will walk away from me
Without knowing that u r my life!

If you will carry on the way
Guided by human,
You will find a hopeless end.
But if you will carry on the way
Guided by allah, you will find
An endless hope.

The beauty of life
Does not depend on
How happy you are,
But on how happy others can be
Because of you.

Is like a river
Which have many turns
So enjoy every turn
These turns never return..

Category: Cool SMS

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