Encourage SMS - Page 3

Encourage Text SMS

Excellence encourages one about life generally;
It shows the spiritual wealth of the world. – t.s. Eliot

It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy,
But it’s good too to check up once in a while and make sure that
You haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy!

Goal is a dream with deadline.
If your goal does not inspire you for action
Then you have not found the right goal…

Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt,
In the suffering involved, not in the victory itself……..

Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are
Those who encourage more than criticize. – elizabeth harrison

If we are to have magical bodies,
We must have magical minds. – wayne dyer

Always render more and better service
Than is expected of you,
No matter what your task may be. – og mandino

There is nothing wrong with america that
Cannot be cured by what is right with america. – Bill Clinton

You can’t go very far if you don’t begin very near.

Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible. – claude bissell

Encourage SMS

I have yet to find the man,
However exalted his station,
Who did not do better work and
Put forth greater effort under a
Spirit of approval than under a
Spirit of criticism. – charles r. Schwab

Nevr get discouraged,
Bcoz nothng gr8 is ever
Achieved without patience & hope.
Remembr, it is often d last key in
D bunch dat opens d door.

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. – john rockefeller

This is word of achievement…..
Can’t is word of defeat ……
Should is word of duty …….
Will is word of beauty …..
Can is word of power !have a powerful day .

Effective negotiators have a style that
Those whom they are trying to influence,
Relate to and admire. – dr.phil

The winners of life’s game aren’t those who have never tasted
Failure but those who have tasted failure
Again and again but never give up

Never conclude your capacity on your present situation…
Bcoz time has the power…
To change ordinary coal into a diamond

Any fool can try to defend his or her mistakes and
Most fools do- but it raises one above the herd and
Gives one a feeling of nobility and exultation
To admit one’s mistakes. – dale carnegie

I have a dream to get you
I have a dream to hold you
I have a dream to be with you
I have a dream for you with me
I have a dream that
I believe in because
I know… Dreams come true – just believe

Life is a goal,achieve it.
Life is beauty,enjoy it.
Life is a problem,solve it.
Life is a story, become a hero

Encourage Text SMS

Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.
Don’t say to god: ‘why me?’ instead say:
‘try me!’ let’s live a courageous and challenging life.

Anything that encourages the growth of emotional
Ties between men must operate against war. – sigmund freud

You can live opposite of what you profess,
But you cannot live opposite of what you believe.

Each of us is a star.
Sometimes we shine with the rest.
Sometimes we twinkle alone.
Sometimes when we least know it,
We make someone’s wish come true. God bless!

Lucky means who gets the oppurtunity.
Brilliant means who creates the oppurtunity.
Winner means who uses the oppurtunity…,
Have a winning attitude…

Don’t get mad. Get everything! – ivana trump

The world will provide you with stones every day;
What you build out of it is you outlook – a bridge or a wall.

Bell is soundless until some1 rings it,
Song makes no sense until some2 sings it,
Dont hide ur feelings coz its not
Called feelings until others fel it.

For success…..
Fix missions not any tom cruise movie or military episode…
Short term goals to achieve….
As we know small drops of water can some day make an ocean…

Nice to read and follow: if you miss anything don’t fill your eyes with tears.
It may hide yet another beautiful thing standing in front of you.

Encourage Text SMS

The significance of a man is
Not in what he attains
But in what he longs to attain

We need to give people more of an incentive
To work,
To save,
To invest,
To create a true future for themselves. – suze orman

Courage is the main quality of leadership,
In my opinion, no matter where it is exercised.
Usually it implies some risk — especially in new undertakings. – walt disney

We want to have certainties and no doubts- results and
No experiments- without even seeing that certainties can
Arise only through doubt and results only thorough experiment. – carl jung

Sometimes small things in life hurt a lot…
If u dont agree with me, try to sit on a pin!!!

Past is xperience !
Present is xperiment !
Future is xpectation !
Use ur xperience in ur xperiment to
Achive ur xpectations in all matters. . . .

Evry mornin, leave ur worries outside ur gate’s doorsteps
Coz dat s where they pick up d garbage! Gud am! Hav a worry free day.

No matter how hard the loss,
Defeat might serve as well as
Victory to shake the soul and
Let the glory out. – al gore

Behind every victory,
There must be action in time,
Courage daring,
Motivation and
Mostly hard work.

Success is 10% inspiration, 90% last-minute changes.

Encourage SMS

Past is xperience !
Present is xperiment !
Future is xpectation !
Use ur xperience in ur xperiment to
Achive ur xpectations in all matters. . . .

Evry mornin, leave ur worries outside ur gate’s doorsteps
Coz dat s where they pick up d garbage! Gud am! Hav a worry free day.

No matter how hard the loss,
Defeat might serve as well as
Victory to shake the soul and
Let the glory out. – al gore

Behind every victory,
There must be action in time,
Courage daring,
Motivation and
Mostly hard work.

Success is 10% inspiration, 90% last-minute changes.

The happiest person doesn’t hav d best of evrythin in life.
Perhaps they r just good in makin d best of evrythin that
Life brings along their way. Stay hapi! Gud am!

The fear of failure is only a fear of failing; have faith,
Trust and believe in your abilities to succeed in all that you do.
Ride the waves of overcoming inabilities by making them abilities of joyous successes!

If god ans ur prayer, he’s incrasing ur faith,
If he delays, he’s increasing ur patience.
If he doesn’t ans, then he known u can handle it prfectly well!

You must remember that all work is simply to bring out the
Power of the mind which is already there to wake up the soul.

Dreaming is an act of pure imagination,
Attesting in all men a creative power,
Which if it were available in waking,
Would make every man a dante or a shakespeare.