Thank You SMS - Page 2

Thank You Greetings Sms

My happiness is centered around your love! Thank you for being the light of my life.

Thank you for being here, your presence is the solution.

Thank you for being there by my side every time I was crazy, mad and everything but myself.

You have been the only static thing in the crests and troughs of my life. Thank you sweetheart.

You have been generous and gracious always. Thank you for being so supportive.

I am aware it is a big challenge for you to be on my side, but you never mention it. I’m so thankful!

You have always been kind and generous, but today your gesture was awesome. Thank you.

You live through my challenges and ensure that I live better. Thank you for being you.

Thank you for being by my side and helping me in times of need. I will always remain indebted to you.

I don’t think I would have been able to make it so far were it not for you kindness and generosity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank You Messages

There are a few who step in always. Thanks for pitching in. It worked.

You are the core of my universe. Thank you for making me happy!

Thank you for being there by my side every time I was crazy, mad and everything but myself.

Through thick and thin, rough and tough. You always stick with me. Thank you

I am very grateful to God for the support of someone like you. Thank you for being my friend.

Despite your own work pressures you took out the time to help me out, I totally appreciate it! Thank you!

You have been the only static thing in the crests and troughs of my life. Thank you sweetheart.

I know it is not my first time to say this, but I just can’t stop thanking you for your wonderful presence and thoughtful efforts. Thank you.

You may have limited resources, but you do have an unlimited appetite for giving.

Visualizing the outcome of this mess without your intervention sends shivers down my spine. Thank you for being around.

Thank You Sms

Life is better when shared with someone like you. Thank you

You may have restricted and little resources but your appetite and drive for giving id daring and rare. Thanks.

Thank you for your love and well wishes. They are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for everything you have done, and I know that all of us adore you.

I’ve always felt so cherished and appreciated by you. Thanks for sticking by me even during difficult times.

You are the best! Thanks for being there.

Here is a little thank you message from me to you just for being in my life.

You were there for me in my awkward moments, for the perfect love, care and support. Thank you!

Thank you for staying by my side, for sharing my hopes and dreams.

Seriously, you saved my day. Thank you, you were awesome.

Thank You Sms In English

I appreciate your skills and attitude to work. It seems like there will be no problem that you can’t solve. Thank you for everything. You’re simply the best.

I really appreciate, my co-worker who has given me so much motivation. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

Working with you has been the turning point of my career. Thank you for everything.

Thanks for being tough on me when things were easy and more importantly going easy on me when things were tough.

Thanks for being not just a great colleague but a better friend.

Your contributions to my success at work will forever remain in my heart. Many thanks for your support, guidance and encouragement. I enjoyed working with you. You are the best colleague!

You make everyday a fun day; thank you, Mr. Husband for being 100% mine.

Thank you dear husband for making my life so beautiful with your love, filling each day with utmost joy and happiness

It feels wonderful to have you as my husband. You have always been my pillar of support.

Thank you dear hubby for everything. Life would seem so incomplete without you.

Thank You Messages For Friends

Your hand over my shoulder is ever so comforting. Thank you, my friend, your commitment is my strength.

I made it because you made me happen! Thank you, buddy, for always being with me.

Thank you for having time for my never-ending sob stories. Your presence is comforting.

Thank you, dear, for changing your plans. Looking forward to seeing you in a few hours. Love you.

Thank you for always being my best supporter and guide.

Thank you for not judging me for my silly actions.

Thank you for loving my family like your own.

Thank you for all that you’ve taught me.

Thank you for reminding me to stay true to myself.

Thank you for your sharing your secrets with me.