Best Friend SMS - Page 11

Best Friend SMS

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.

You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.

A friend is like a “ring”,always close to your hand but as you get “careless” it slips out of your finger… dont even let your true friend slip out of your life.

I like her because she smiles at me and means it.

Friendship cannot grow like a tree ,but they grow in their if you know that you have a friend, then promote your friendship through mind to shw that you realy trust your friend. I trust you man

I met U as a stranger, I leave U as a friend, as long as the world stands, our friendship nv ends. All friends nv split N even if they do they will meet again

Every time i think i m not lucky enough, i try to remember u,coz then i suddenly realises that i m the luckiest to have such a caring friend like u

Friendships is the medicine for any kind of pain,But there is no medicine found in the world for pain given by friend.

Sumtime i 4get 2say HI, sumtime i miss 2reply,sumtimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesnt mean i 4get u,bcoz. Ur 1 of a kind and always in mind

Life without friends is
(F)ull of doubt
Life with friends is
(L)ight n easy
(F)ull of hopes

Best Friend SMS

Friendship is about writting
Where wind blows it and forget,
CARVING the BENEFITS in the STONE and never 4get.

Time makes us 4get sum Ppl,
Bt thr r sum ppl who make us 4get Time!
Dis msg is dedicated to 1 such person who can nvr b 4gotten!! ”

I m ur friend.
When U Win, i’ll Proudly Tell the World
“Hey” Thats My Friend.
But When U loose, i’ll Sit by ur side and say, “Hey” I m ur friend.

One Best Book is Equal tohundered Good Freinds . But ,onegood friend like U is Equal to a llbrary..

Vacancy In my Heart 4 a True Friend
Eligibility: Loving & Caring
Duty: To Love
Experience: Not required
Salary: 4ever Love
Joining: ASAP
R U interested?

Dear Customer,We would like to inform you that your true friend Mr/Mrs___is missing u a lot. Thank you.Sender:Helpline

The nominee for best friend r u, u & u. But d winner is me because i have u!

Everyone has a best friend during each stage of life-only a precious few have the same one.

Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends whom we choose.

Best Friend Text SMS

Memories last forever, they simply never die, true friends stay together – they NEVER say good-bye.

Special Friends See Heart To Heart…
Even If they can’t see each other eye to eye,
You are very special for me because,
I Always see you in my HEART.

Friendship is a silent gift of nature..
More old .. More strong..
More deep.. More clear..
More close.. More warm..
Less words.. More understanding.

If u find a friend better or sweter than me, go ahead, i wont stop u but when that friend leaves u, just look behind & i”ll b there, ready 2 say ‘welcome my friend’.

Roses are red, violets are blue, a kippers a fish, dat smell like you, lets not despair,lets live in hope,dat one day ull discover soap

He is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude

When twilight drops her curtain down
And pins it with a star
Remember that you have a friend
Though she may wander far.

Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You can’t have too many friends because then you’re just not really friends.

A friend is someone
Who understands your past
Believes in your future
And accepts you just the way you are

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t read.

Best Friend Text Messages


I sent my cares 2 the wind
I sent my cares 2 the wind and ask the wind 2 pass them 2 u,when u feel the wind blowing against ur face thats me saying take care of urself

Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.

Hold on to your friend with both hands.

Keeping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u… But in my HEART I swear I’m keeping U..

Some friends are like a flower and when they finally bloom they wilt away in just one day Some friends are like a cloudy day and when the sun“s in sight it gets blocked by the grayest cloud and day turns into night

My faith Plays a big part in my life.And my faith is very personal.I pray for strength,I pray for wisdom,I pray for our troops in arm’s way,I pray for my family,I pray for my little & cute friend like “you”

Friendship is the union of spirits,
A marriage of Hearts,and the bond thereof vitrue.

True friends are those who make is hard not to love them.

Best Friend Text SMS

Birth is the “START OF LIFE”
Beauty is the “ART OF LIFE”
Love is the “PART OF LIFE”
Death is the “LAST OF LIFE”
But Friends is the “HEART OF LIFE

Wish u a very happy World bestfriends Day.Send 2 all ur gud frends even me if I am 1 of them. C how many u get back. U r lovable if u GET 7all_eyez_on_me Weathers are few but spring is good, Animals are many but butterfly is lovely, Flowers are too many but rose is beautiful, Foods are thousands but honey is sweet an Friends are much but u r the best

True friends are rare to find
True friends are always very kind.
True friends are ornaments so beautiful.
True friends always make us cheerful.
True friends are the work of perfection.
True friends give us right direction.
True friends always shine like moon.
True friends are the greatest boon.

Wen I Ws Born,God said
“oh No! Devil!”
Wen U wr born,God Said
“Aaila, Competition!”
Who knew dat Smday these 2Devils Wud Bcm Great Friends.

A friend is who forgives b4 u say sorry,
Understands u wen u say i forget,
Waits forever wen u say 1 min,
Stays wit u wen u say leave me ALONE…
When you are counting all ur friends….
-the oldest
-the best &
-the new
I would like tostabd by your side & whisper two little words…..

Who is a friend, A push when u r stoped, a touch when u r lost,a word whenu r quiet, asmile when u r sad,a shoulder when u cry, May u have go0d friends

Saw my msg?, no?, Now can u?, still can’t??, coz no words can xpress how special u are!

We gain and lose things every day. But trust me on one thing: YOU WILL NEVER LOSE ME! I will always be there as a friend!

How does one keep from “growing old inside”? Surely only in community. The only way to make friends with time is to stay friends with people…. Taking community seriously not only gives us the companionship we need, it also relieves us of the notion that we are indispensable.

No-one is completely unhappy at the failure of his best friend