Apologize SMS - Page 2

Ten Sms Of Apologize

Money, which represents the prose of life, and which is hardly spoken of in parlors without an apology, is, in its effects and laws, as beautiful as roses.

There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark. I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a DUI charge.

Apologizing have not Meaning it that you are wrong It means you have relationship Value in your Mind and more then your ego.

Why should I apologize because God throws in crystal chandeliers, mahogany floors, and the best construction in the world?

An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything.

Our systems, perhaps, are nothing more than an unconscious apology for our faults / a gigantic scaffolding whose object is to hide from us our favorite sin.

Apology is a lovely perfume, It can transform the clumsiest Moment into a gracious gift. Please forgive me!

The best apology against false accusers is silence and sufferance, and honest deeds set against dishonest words.

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so you apologize for truth.

Never make a defense or an apology until you are accused.

10 Sms Of Apologize

I rise today to offer a formal and heartfelt apology to all the victims of lynching in our history, and for the failure of the United States Senate to take action when action was most needed.

I never, ever want to apologize for a film. If it’s bad i’ll say it’s my fault. And that’s what I can say so far in all the films that i’ve done, that if you don’t like it, it’s entirely my fault.

It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.

When a man holds you round the throat, I don’t think he has come to apologise.

Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths.

The only good thing about punctuality is that it usually gets you an apology.

It takes a great deal of character strength to apologize quickly out of one’s heart rather than out of pity. A person must possess himself and have a deep sense of security in fundamental principles and values in order to genuinely apologize. – Walt Whitman

An apology? Bah! Disgusting! Cowardly! Beneath the dignity of any gentleman, however wrong he might be.

Apologizing – a very desperate habit – one that is rarely cured. Apology is only egotism wrong side out.

You must tell me who I might have hurt. I have to write them an apology.

Ten Apologize SMS In English

If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It’s much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

I hated Chris, my brother. I would pull his hair and kick him, until one day my father gave him permission to fight back. I’ll be apologizing to him for the rest of my life.

Apology is only egotism wrong side out.

It will never do to plead sin as an excuse for sin, or to attempt to justify sinful acts by pleading that we have an evil heart. This instead of being a valid apology, is the very ground of our condemnation.

An apology might help, but you can change your life without one.

Never apologize and never explain – it’s a sign of weakness.

Why must conversions always come so late? Why do people always apologize to corpses?

Every young sculptor seems to think that he must give the world some specimen of indecorous womanhood, and call it Eve, Venus, a Nymph, or any name that may apologize for a lack of decent clothing

I feel like this is a dream — I apologize for how I dressed some of you.

I’m not a Hollywood basher because enough good movies come out of the Hollywood system every year to justify its existence, without any apologies.

Apologize SMS In English

Friends are God’s apology for relations.

I can wholeheartedly apologize for not being at all sorry. And it really is the least I can do.

Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past.

The minute a phrase becomes current, it becomes an apology for not thinking accurately to the end of the sentence.

Never ruin an apology with an excuse.

It is only fair to state, with regard to modern journalists, that they always apologize to one in private for what they have written against one in public.

The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.

Nixon’s grand mistake was his failure to understand that Americans are forgiving, and if he had admitted error early and apologized to the country, he would have escaped.

What would I have done if I’d been put to the test? Would I have risked my own life for people I hardly knew? Probably, I would have looked the other way at best or become another apologist for evil at worst.

I don’t ask for an apology because it’s only tomorrow’s fish-and-chip paper.

Apologize SMS

Distance does not decide who is your brother and who is not. The church is going to have to become the conscience of the free market if it’s to have any meaning in this world – and stop being its apologist.

If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.

An apology is a good way to have the last word.

It’s easier to apologize than ask for permission.

No sensible person ever made an apology.

Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don’t go well.

Genius goes around the world in its youth incessantly apologizing for having large feet. What wonder that later in life it should be inclined to raise those feet too swiftly to fools and bores.

Apologies only account for that which they do not alter.

An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.