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Text Sms For Encourage

A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,
A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,
Wish u an optimistic life..

A good man is guided by his honesty, The evil man is destroyed by his dishonesty…….

Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

If you neglect to recharge a battery, it dies. And if you run full speed ahead without stopping for water, You lose momentum to finish the race.

In times of difficulty some ppl breakdown….
Some ppl break records….
Leaders r born in difficulty not in comfort zones…..!!!

Every thing is good to you if you see good. Every day is better to you if you feel good Every task is best to you if you do good.

Its not the possession of good things which bring happiness It is the ability to enjoy what comes. Happiness is an aptitude.

I hope i have encouraged people in business to Expand the way they make sense of human behavior.

A brand for a company is like A reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying To do hard things well.

Category: Encourage SMS

Encourage SMS

Give children encouragement,
They will gain confidence,
They will perform better.

Drop the idea that you are atlas Carrying the world on your shoulders.
The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously.

Life is all about a card game.
Choosing the right cards is not in our hand.
But playing well with the cards in hand, determines our success

Flatter me, and i may not believe you.
Criticize me, and i may not like you.
Ignore me, and i may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and i may not forget you.

If u want to succeed in ur life:
Be sweet as honey
Be regular as clock
Be fresh as rose
Be soft as tissue
Be strong as rock
Be smart as me

The game of life is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well.

Any man’s life will be filled with constant and Unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind To do his level best each day.

We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what’s wrong in your life, or you can focus on what’s right.

The future may be made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men.
Your dedication should not be confined for your own gain,
But unleashes your passion for our beloved country as well as
For the integrity and humanity of mankind.

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and Sit down and grieve. Find another way and Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray When the sun shines.

Category: Encourage SMS

Message For Encourage

As long as you put in the work, You can own the dream. When the work stops, The dream disappears..

A special breakfast 4 u 2day:
A plate of love, a bowl of peace,
A spoon of hope, a fork of care,
N glass of prayer.
Enjoy ur meal 4 u r under god’s care.

Behind every successful man, There is an untold pain in his heart.

Obstacles are those frightful things You see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Often we stand at life’s crossroads & view, What we think is the end. But a true friend tells
“relax dude, it’s just a bend & not the end”.

Congrats.. Ur hard work has actually paid off.
And it has brought about a realization that sincerity,
Devotion & faith are the real keys to success. Keep it up…

Have the determination of a mirror, Which never loses its ability to reflect In spite of it being broken into pieces.
Keep shining…. Always.:-)

Whatever you are by nature, keep to it, never desert your line of talent. Be what nature intended you for and you for sure will succeed.insha’allah

There are high spots in all of our lives and Most of them have come about Through encouragement from someone else.
I don’t care how great, How famous or successful a man or woman may be, Each hungers for applause.

The lord will change all our defeat into a path for new blessings.
Do not think that failure can push us down.
Instead it will be changed into a ladder of blessings.

Category: Encourage SMS

Sms For Encourage

If we are to have magical bodies, We must have magical minds.

Always render more and better service Than is expected of you, No matter what your task may be.

There is nothing wrong with America that Cannot be cured by what is right with America.

You can’t go very far if you don’t begin very near.

Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible.

Note how good you feel after you have encouraged someone else. No other argument is necessary to suggest that never miss the Opportunity to give encouragement.

Life is at its weakest when there’s more doubts than trust; But life is at its strongest when you learn how to trust inspite of the doubts.

In d confrontation betwn d stream & d rock, D stream always wins.. Not thru strength bt by perseverance. So work hard bt enjoy every moment.

In life, when u get into trouble, dont get nervous, Just close ur eyes n follow ur heart, Bcoz d heart may be on left…but it is always right.

Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.

Category: Encourage SMS

Encourage Messages

For every failure, There’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock,
Take a detour.

Somehow along the course of life, you learn about yourself and Realize there should never be regrets, only a lifelong
Appreciation of the choices you’ve made.

A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.

Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, None of them leads back. So enjoy life every moment as none of them Will happen the same way again.

We work for a better tomorrow,but when “tomorrow”comes, Instead of enjoying,we again think of a better tomorrow. So,let us have a better today.

Excellence encourages one about life generally; It shows the spiritual wealth of the world.

It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, But it’s good too to check up once in a while and make sure that You haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy!

Goal is a dream with deadline. If your goal does not inspire you for action Then you have not found the right goal…

Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, In the suffering involved, not in the victory itself……..

Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are Those who encourage more than criticize.

Category: Encourage SMS