Happy Kiss Day Messages

“The song This Kiss was definitely my breakthrough song. After that, Breathe was my breakthrough album.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“I kiss, but I don’t tell.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“It was the kiss of a man who had waited years for the moment, and feared that it would never come again.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“He had kissed her good night that night, and she had tasted like strawberry daiquiris, and he had never wanted to kiss anyone else again.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“To expect to be kissed having bad breath is the secret of a fool.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“The only foreplay I really need is for a guy to kiss my hip bone. The hip is the most erotic and neglected body part. Kiss the hip bone with your lips.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“If anyone tells you it’s impossible to be fabulous and smart and make a ton of money using math, well, they can just get in line behind you – and kiss your math.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“The bottom line is the Kiss Army is growing by leaps and bounds.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“Kissing a stranger because that is what is done presages an unhappy year not for any supernatural reason, but because you are unsatisfied enough with your lot in life to put your lips on the line for a fallacy.”
Happy Kiss Day!

“I want to kiss you so thoroughly that you lose your ability to stand.”
Happy Kiss Day!

Category: Kiss Day SMS

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