Eid al-Adha Messages

Today I Pray That:
Happiness Stays At Your Door;
May It Knock Early And Stay Late;
And Leave The Gift Of Allah’s Love;
Peace, Joy and Good Health Behind!
Best Wishes for a Happy Eid!

Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice,
and commitment to Allah’s orders,
May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life,
and help all amongst us,
who are helpless,worried,
and waiting for his rehmat,
Ameen.Eid Mubarak

Not to eat anything before the sacrifice.
To recite Takbiraat on the way to and from the Masjid.
The whole family including women and children should go for Eid prayer.

Lets learn something new.
Let’s value food. Understand that there are people out there dying of hunger.
May Allah help us.
Eid-ul-adha Mubaarak.

Our Eid has come
To bring us peace, love….To charish our life
It is the time We muslims came together
Shoulder to shoulder
It is the time We muslims
Share our love, believe
Eid Mubarak

About 1 billion animals killed each day
by KFC, McDonalds, Burger King etc to feed rich
and make money, and no one bats an eye
During EID, Muslims sacrifice them to feed the poor
for free, and everyone loses their mind.

As you recite your prayers on Eid ul adha,
may Allah bless you all and your wishes come true…

Neither the flesh nor the blood of your sacrifices reaches God,
but it is the righteous motive underlying them that reaches him.
Happy Eid ul adha

As you pray to Allah..
and offer your sacrifices in the true spirit
of Eid ul adha..
Here’s helping that all your wishes
be fulfilled and prayers be granted!

On the holy occasion of
Eid-ul-adha that celebrates the Hajj
May you be filled with
happiness and may every step of your journey through life
be blessed by Allah!

The history of eid ul azha as narrated in holy Quran:
“we (ALLAH) made him (Abraham) chaste in tis world and hereafter; he(Abraham) is most unquestionably among the virtuous. When his Lord said to him: “submit”, he said “I submit myself to the Lord of the Worlds.”
Subhan Allah! May Allah help us retain the virtuous path on this Eid ul azha and eids to come after! Amen!

Read Below To Know What Eid-Ul-Adha
Is Called In Different Languages……
In Arabic It Is Eid-Ul-Adha.
In Hindi It Is Bakra-Eid
In Persian It Is Eid-E-Qurban
In Turkish It Is Kurban Bayrami

Different Names But Only One Goal,
Willingness To Sacrifice
In The Path Of Allah.
Eid Mubarak!!

I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving creature, but He has a grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the straight path [the truth]. (Koran 11:55-56)

On Eid-ul-Adha, wishing that Allah be your guide and show you the right path in everything you do. Eid Mubarak

Asslaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, On behalf of the entire crew of the enlightenment into Islam Centre, we would like to wish you and your family on the joyous occasion of Eid Ul Adha. Eid Mubarak

Allah is the creator, Allah is the initiator and also the designer. To him belongs the whole world. Abide in him.
Happy Eid ul- Adah

Category: Eid SMS

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