Easter Sms

Celebrate the day that our Savior has resurrected! Be blessed and have a meaningful Easter.

Easter is a Holy day, not just a Holiday. Have a wonderful Easter!

Calories from Easter candy don’t count. It’s a well-known scientific fact. Seriously, look it up.

Celebrate Christ for he is Risen. Happy Easter to you and your family!

Easter is a reason to live and Easter is something to celebrate every day of your life.

Spring is in the air and a new day is dawning. May all of your Easter wishes come true.

Praise God — Christ is Risen! May you feel the blessed for the forgiveness of sin that Easter symbolizes.

Easter is a time of new life for all that we celebrate at this time of the year.

Easter is more than just eggs and candy. It is also about peace, love, and family.

Easter spells out hope for the coming of Jesus. May you have a blessed Easter.

Category: Easter SMS

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