Cool SMS

A candle may melt And its fire may die, But the love you have given me Will always stay as a flame in my heart.

Do not look at physical appearances, they can be deceiving. Do not look at riches,
For they are only temporary.

Men of Genius r ADMIRED Men of Wealth r ENVIED Men of Power r FEARED But Only
Men of Character r TRUSTED …

Life Is a Revolving Wheel. Help Those Who Are In The Lower Half. B’coz In The Next Turn U Will Need Their Help…!

We always feel bad & think that good things happen only to others But we forget that we are others for someone else too.

Nobody wants u, nobody makes u happy. Nobody love u. Nobody misses u. Nobody cares about u. DON’T CRY! My name is nobody!

Speak less with people whom u love & care most, C’oz if they cant understand ur silence they can never understand ur words.

Remember me and bare in mind A faithful girl is hard to find This is always good and true So dont go changing old for new!

The FragRance of FlowErs SpreAds onlY in thE DireCtion of thE winD. But thE GoodNesS oF a PersOn SpreAds in aLL DireCtion….

Laugh like you’ve never cried. Play like u’ve never lost. Love like u’ve never been hurt & Live like there is no TOMORROW….

Everyone Life starts with full bag of Luck & an empty bag of experience Trick is 2 fill bag of experience before d Luck runs out.

Fresh Flowers for u, I m going to give fresh flowers 4 u and 4 ur loving thoughts and prayers to make u lighter and brighter.

Do you know your 1 smile can make 100 peoples die, so u can decrease this over population, so baby, please keep on smiling.

Category: Cool SMS

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