10 Best Friend SMS Collection

Silence is the true friend that never betrays

Silent and Listen are two words made of same Alphabets,but there is another speciality…..
I can Listen to you, when u r
Silent…..that is friendship….:)hurmat
Wat is lyf? Wat u make it to be..
Wat is hapiness? Wat ur heart sees..
Wat is love? Precious if true…
Wat is frndshp? Nothing without u.. Sachme.

Similarities create friendship’s while differences hold them together.

Smiles ‘n’ Tears, Giggles ‘n’ Laughs, Late nite calls ‘n’ Cute fotographs, ill b rite here till da day of ma death best friends forever till ma very last breath!!

Sms consoling friend upon the death of their beloved ones

So Many Hands
In 1 Tiffin Box
So many Friends
In 1 Bench
So many Calls On
1 b’day Nites
So Many Tears For
1 Little Fight
Friends Are The
Best Parts Of Our
Life … =)

Some friends are like a flower and when they finally bloom they wilt away in just one day Some friends are like a cloudy day and when the sun“s in sight it gets blocked by the grayest cloud and day turns into night

Some friends are remembered because of their smile. Some friends are remembered because of their style. But you are remembered because you are so nice to remember. Take care

Some friends are simply irreplaceable. A true person easily becomes a true friend. True friendship is indeed rare. Some become our best friends….

Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b treasured 4 ever, and i think ur one 2 b kept 4 ever.

Category: Best Friend SMS

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