10 Sms For Best Wishes

I wish all the best to the exams that u will be going throuth the last two weeks.

If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail.

Im wishing u a day which is as bright as ur eyes and every one around you 2B AS generous as your heart.

In everything u do have a purpose,
Prepare to pursue ur purpose with a prayer,
Ask 4 guidance,protection and direction.
Give thanks 2 answered prayers,
Have faith in your ability 2 succeed,
Be positive and never look back.
If u keep all this in ur mind u wont wrong.

Live with no excuses and Love with no regrets.
When life gives U a 100 reasons to cry, show life that U have
A 1000 reasons to Smile. Gud Day!

Luck is not in ur hands, but work is,
Ur work can make ur luck,
But luck can’t do ur work. Gud day & Gud luck!

Luck is yours wishes are mine
Let’s ur future be always shine.
Best of Luck

May Allah grant u a sun beam to warm u,
Moon beam to charm u,
An angel so no one can harm u,…..be smile now
Wish u best of luck.i m not there but my preayers are with u.
Good luck& best wishes for ever…..

May the angels protect you
May the sadness forget you
May happiness B around you
May ALLAH bless you forever

May the sun shine, all day long
Everything go right, & nothing wrong
May those u love bring love back to u &
May all the wishes u wish come true

Category: Best Wishes SMS

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