30 Yearbook Slogans

A year like no other

A year we won’t forget

Buy yearbook and relive memories

Celebrate the present, Remember the past

Don’t be a dummy, buy a yearbook

Don’t cry because its over, smile because it happened

Every picture tells a story

For the record

Have the last word

I want you to order your yearbook!

Keep calm & buy a yearbook

Keep your memories forever

Leave your mark

Look Back Before We Leap

Make a note & cherish the memories

Memories are made to be remembered

Memories have passed but memories do last

Memories made together last a lifetime

Memories matter

Memories of our past, sure were a blast

Ordered my yearbook, can finally relax

Remember the moments that matter

Snapchats don’t last forever but Yearbooks Do!

Stepping Into The Future

Straight outta yearbooks

Take a second glance

Things end but memories last forever

Why did the chicken cross the road? Who Cares? Buy a yearbook

Yearbook, people pay money to read my homework

You need a yearbook! Just sayin’..

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