Riddles & Brain Teasers

Our collection of riddles will challenge your intelligence. We have collected riddles in different categories like funny, amazing, brain teasers and much more. So give your brain a little exercise today.

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There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?
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DownUp -1
Category: Math Riddles

You have found a mutant algae that doubles in size every hour. It takes 18 hours for one algae plant to take up half of a certain lake.

How long would it take for two of these plants to take up half of the same lake?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

What single line can you add to the following statement to make it true?

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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

There are five hen and rooster pairs. Each pair has one baby every month.

How many chickens will there be in one year?
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Category: Math Riddles

When is 1500 plus 20 and 1600 minus 40 the same thing?
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Category: Math Riddles

What is the difference between a dollar and a half and thirty five-cents?
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Category: Math Riddles

Does an ounce of gold or an ounce of feathers weight more?
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Category: Math Riddles

Two boys, Trevor and Tyler, are running a 100 meter race. The first time they race Trevor beats Tyler by 5 meters. To make things fair, the next time they race Trevor stands 5 meters behind the starting line.

Who wins the second race (assuming they run the same speed as the first race)?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

A grandfather has a broken grandfather clock that is off by a minute every hour (too fast). He figures out a way, while keeping it running at the same rate, to make the clock say the correct time twice a day.

How could he do this?
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DownUp +1
Category: Math Riddles

Why are manholes round instead of square?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

A mother is 21 years older than her child. In 6 years the mother will be 5 times older than her baby.

Where is the father?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

A smart landscaper is given the task of placing 4 trees so that they are all the same distant away from each other.

How does he do this?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

It takes ten men ten hours to build a certain wall. How long does it take five men to build the same wall?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

A tomato vine is 3 meters long. The bottom foot of the vine doesn’t grow any tomatoes but the rest of the vine grows a tomato every 5 inches.

How many vegetables can grow off of the vine?
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DownUp -1
Category: Math Riddles

You have been given the task of transporting 3,000 apples 1,000 miles from Appleland to Bananaville. Your truck can carry 1,000 apples at a time. Every time you travel a mile towards Bananaville you must pay a tax of 1 apple but you pay nothing when going in the other direction (towards Appleland).

What is highest number of apples you can get to Bananaville?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

There is a 100 pound watermelon laying out in the sun. 99 percent of the watermelon’s weight is water. After laying out for a few hours 98 percent of the watermelon’s weight is water.

How much water evaporated?

How much water evaporated?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

An ant gets onto one end of a tight rope that is 1 meter long. The ant is traveling at 1 centimeter per second, but the entire rope is being stretched an extra 1 meter a second (it can be stretched forever).

Will the ant ever reach the other end of the rope?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

Four people need to cross a bridge in 17 minutes in the middle of the night. The bridge can only hold two or less people at any time and they only have one flashlight so they must travel together (or alone). The flashlight can only travel with a person so every time it crosses the bridge it must be carried back. Tom can cross in 1 minute, John can cross in 2 minutes, Sally can cross in 5 minutes, and Connor can cross in 10 minutes. If two people cross together they go as fast as the slower person.

How can they cross the bridge in 17 minutes or less?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

A knight comes to a castle where his love is trapped. The castle is surrounded by a square moat that is 10 feet wide (it forms a square around the castle). The knight is able to fashion two 9 foot long planks to cross the moat.

How can he do this?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles

A man goes into a barbershop and gets a $15 haircut. He pays the barber with a $20 bill, but the barber doesn’t have change because it is an especially slow day. The barber goes to the flower shop next to his own and trades the $20 bill for a $10 dollar bill and two $5 bills. Then he gives the man his $5 in change.

Later the lady from the flower shop confronts the barber and tells him that the $20 bill he gave her was counterfeit. The barber agrees and he gives the lady a different $20 bill.

Later that day he tries to figure out how much money he lost. What did he lose?
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DownUp 0
Category: Math Riddles