Riddles & Brain Teasers

Our collection of riddles will challenge your intelligence. We have collected riddles in different categories like funny, amazing, brain teasers and much more. So give your brain a little exercise today.

Latest Riddles

What is the four-digit number (no zeros) in which the third digit is the number of “winds,” the first digit is one-half of the third, the second digit is double the third and the last digit is one-half the sum of the first three?
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DownUp +33
Category: Math Riddles

Never trust this fellow’s grin. His teeth are sharp and course, his blood’s as cold as icicles, and he’ll show no remorse! What is it?
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DownUp +26
Category: What Is It Riddles

It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter and tears with light long since shone; a moment to make, a lifetime to shed; valued then but lost when your dead. What Is It?
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DownUp +24
Category: What Is It Riddles

If you do this once it is good but if you do it twice it is a bad thing. What Is It?
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DownUp +42
Category: What Is It Riddles

Rich people need it; so does the poor. A man loves it more than life and a woman loves it more than her husband. What Is It?
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DownUp +28
Category: What Is It Riddles

What is it that leaps and runs and yet has no feet?
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DownUp +34
Category: What Is It Riddles

Bill has been married for ten years and his wife says, “My anniversary present better be on the driveway tomorrow and it better go from 0-200 in 2 seconds.” A small package shows up for her the next morning. What is it?
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DownUp +20
Category: What Is It Riddles

It’s an animal that doesn’t have grace and poise and only wants to make loud noise. What Is It?
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DownUp +37
Category: What Is It Riddles

What does not get to choose if it goes out or in? What is it?
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DownUp +30
Category: What Is It Riddles

It is young but not that old. It gives you money. What is it?
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DownUp +49
Category: What Is It Riddles

Kids love to eat this, especially when they’re in this land. The bridges are made of chocolate and some houses are too. Even the gingerbread house could be here too. There are even people moving my neighbors, which is a horrible sight. We might get thrown around and it’s large or wide. What is it?
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DownUp +19
Category: What Is It Riddles

You’re going on a walk and you see something that does not have bones and does not have meat. You pick it up, put it in your pocket, and put it on your shelf. Three days later it walks away. What is it?
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DownUp +34
Category: What Is It Riddles

It can get a clock but cannot tell time. It can get a bed but cannot sleep. It can get shoes but doesn’t have legs. It can get a book but cannot read. It has a face but cannot talk. It has a number but cannot count. What is it?’
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DownUp +24
Category: What Is It Riddles

There is a kind of soothing + cooling ointment that relieves coughing and gives relief breathing…a creamy blend of herbs and other ingredients. What is the medicine called?
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DownUp +29
Category: What Is It Riddles

What is metal, expanded at the end, must have a person to ring, played in churches, yet is not what most people would think it is?
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DownUp +41
Category: What Is It Riddles

Coming in on little cat paws; once it reaches its goal, quickly back it draws. At night it reaches farther and during the day it’s more subdued, whatever the weather, whatever its mood. What is it?
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DownUp +25
Category: What Is It Riddles

It is sometimes white and sometimes black; you turn it on and turn it off. What is it?
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DownUp +43
Category: What Is It Riddles

What your eyes think is there actually is not but the magical image is hidden within the “plot.” What is it?
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DownUp +32
Category: What Is It Riddles

In order to go on you need it; in order to leave you must lose it; in order to survive you must protect it. It is doomed by death, cursed from below, yet everything has it. What is it?
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DownUp +22
Category: What Is It Riddles

It is lighter than itself; it is very polluted but it looks clean. You can put your whole body in it and can change up the temperature. It can kill you but it helps you survive. What is it?
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DownUp +24
Category: What Is It Riddles