What I Am Riddles - Page 10

I am the ruler of shovels,
I have a double.
I am as thin as a knife,
I have a wife.
What am I?
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My author’s uncertain yet my title’s the same,
I contain random text yet order’s my aim.
Read me one day and see my pages are totally bare.
Try again another day and the words will be there.
I’m not a book of magic although it may sound,
I can predict the future, and inside, your life can be found.
Move my eye, I become involved in lactic extraction.
But that’s just a clue , a minor distraction.
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A little pool with two layers of wall around it.
One white and soft and the other dark and hard, amidst a light brown grassy lawn with an outline of a green grass. What am I?
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I can sizzle like bacon,
I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole,
What am I?
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My thunder rolls beneath me, my lightning flares above. I dust the crust, and when I bust, all I touch will I shove.What am I?See the solution

My first is in fish but not in snail,
My second is in rabbit but not in tail.
My third is in up but not in down,
My fourth is in tiara but not in crown.
My fifth is in tree you plainly see,
My whole a food for you and me.
What am I?
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I have four legs but never walk
I may be covered in flowers but have no soil
I hold food three times a day but never eat a meal.
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I look flat, but I am deep,
Hidden realms I shelter.
Lives I take, but food I offer.
At times I am beautiful.
I can be calm, angry and turbulent.
I have no heart, but offer pleasure as well as death.
No man can own me, yet I encompass what all men must have.
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Many different types of my last seven letters can be found in newspapers, magazines, & journals. Physicists have built devices to get me moving very fast.
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I was born in the 18th century, yet still live on today. Appearing on TV when I have something to say. Called everything from “honest” to a dirty rotten “crook”, I used to wear a wig, but have had several looks. I’ve always had a party, but never disturb the neighbors. I’ve been shot at many times – major stories for the papers. What am I?
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I fly in the air,
But I am not always there.
I cannot be touched,
But I can be felt or held.
Think very hard,
But if you live near the equator,
You may have a tough time seeing me.
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Dark with white markings,
And smooth like a rock.
Where learning occurs,
I help convey thought.
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I have many feathers to help me fly. I have a body and head, but I’m not alive. It is your strength which determines how far I go. You can hold me in your hand, but I’m never thrown. What am I?
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When liquid splashes me, none seeps through. When I am moved alot, liquid I spew. When I am hit, color I change. And color, I come in quite a range. What I cover is very complex, and I am very easy to flex. What am I?
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A red cap on my head,
A stone in my throat,
Ff you tell me the answer,
I’ll give you a Groat.
What am I?
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I have legs but walk not
A strong back but work not
Two good arms but reach not
A seat but sit and tarry not
What am I?
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Stronger than any beast,
Rougher than any sea.
Steadier than a favorable wind,
and of me none shall be free.
What am I?
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My first is in wield, sever bones and marrow.
My second is in blade, forged in cold steel.
My third is in arbalest, and also in arrows.
My fourth is in power, plunged through a shield.
My fifth is in honour, and also in vows
My last will put an end to it all.What am I?
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Part carbon, part water, I am poison to the fishes.
Many have falsely claimed my name, for I am the pause that refreshes.
What am I?
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Many-manned scud-thumper,
Maker of worn wood,
Portly pusher,
What am I?
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