In spring I am gay in handsome array;
in summer more clothing I wear;
when colder it grows I fling off my clothes;
and in winter quite naked appear.What am I?
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I’m pleasing to the eye
A tool for many absent of mind
A tapestry of fickle lies
Blind to even the most pensive spies
I’m often the breeder of fervent lust
But I am by far one you shouldn’t trust.What am I?
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My teeth are sharp, my back is straight, to cut things up it is my fate.
What am I?
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I am enjoyed by some, despised by others, and some abuse me. I am a sacrament, a gift. I am never-ending, yet at times some break me. What am I?
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I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.What am I?
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Two bodies have I;
Tho’ both join’d in one,
The stiller I stand,
The faster I run.What am I?
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To cross the water I’m the way,
For water I’m above;
I touch it not, and truth to say,
I neither swim nor move. What am I?
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