What Is It Riddles - Page 4

This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to dust; slays kings, ruins towns and beats high mountains down. What is it?
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Always opens and closes without making sound. What is it?
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Large apartment. Many flats. Each flat is guarded by a soldier. What is it?
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This stick is the king for it makes the rules. What is it?
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One million feet in the air with it’s back on the ground. What is it?
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What wants to be filled but will always be empty?
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What has a body, a neck and a head?
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What has 150 keys and gets connected?
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Rich men want it; middle men have it; poor men need it. What is it?
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What floats on water but not even 1,000 men can lift it?
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What has hands but doesn’t clap?
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You can only see it in the eyes of reflection. You can only touch it in the hands of your own. You can only find it in the other’s eyes. You can only kill it in the death of your own. What is it?
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It lives with electricity, reveals information and travels around the world faster than the speed of sound. What is it?
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You can sell this but you cannot buy it. Without this, you are lost though ascetics deny it. What is it?
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It captures you. It moves you. Then it’s gone. It tingles in the back of your head, tempting you to chase it. What is it?
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Some use it as a weapon, others as a shield. Without it, you would most likely die. With it, you are weak. It is man-made and can be dangerous. What is it?
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What counts the days of the night, strikes people, fades away cities, but can be torn down like paper?What is it?
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What has many keys but one single lock, space but no room, and you can enter but not pass?What is it?
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What is is small and weak but can bring people into new worlds and places, which no other man can do?What is it?
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You can get it from doing nothing and everything. The wise and foolish both have it. The more and less you have of it the better and worse you are in life. Time is the only boundary that keeps us from obtaining it.Most take this value for granted. There is NO device to measure it. It governs all and can never be tamed. You gain it by solving this riddle. What is it?
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