Some pencils are erasers. All erasers are papers. Some papers are pens and some pens are erasers. So pencils are obviously pens? True or false?
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From which 7 letter word, if you take out 4 letters, you will have one left?
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Which word becomes shorter even if you add 2 more letters to it?
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My 1st brother studies aerodynamics, my 2nd builds different engines. My 3rd brother is just an illustration and my fourth is as wise as an owl. About me? I am unanimous to whatever you say! Find us all!
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An apple begins with me and age too. I am in the midst of a man and foremost in every apprehension. You will find me in everyday and see me in all Autumns. It’s a pity that you cannot see me in the air and yet it’s so wonderful to be a part of the great Atlantic ocean! Guess what am I?
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There is this 6 digit number! The tens digit is 2 more than the ones digit. The hundreds digit is 2 less than the tens digit. Now the hundreds digit is again equal to the thousands digit. The ten thousands digit is 2 more than the thousands digit and the hundred thousands digit is 2 less than the ten thousands digit.
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