Riddles & Brain Teasers

Our collection of riddles will challenge your intelligence. We have collected riddles in different categories like funny, amazing, brain teasers and much more. So give your brain a little exercise today.

Latest Riddles

What is red and goes up and down?
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DownUp +1
Category: Wacky Riddles

What do you call a person who looks over your shoulder while you are eating at the lunch counter?
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DownUp +42

One day a man met three beggars. To the first he gave a dime, to the second a dime, and to the third a nickel. What time was it?
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DownUp +23

What occurs once in every minute twice in every moment, but not once in a thousand years?
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DownUp +23

Why did it take three husky Boy Scouts to help the little old lady cross the street?
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DownUp +16

What did the little kid answer when the teacher said, “Order, children, order!”?
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DownUp +27

What would you get if you crossed a pigeon, a frog, and a prehistoric monster?
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DownUp +21

Why did the boy jump up and down on the letter?
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DownUp +38

What did people say when the man got out of his rocking chair after 20 years?
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DownUp +34

What did the explorer say when he saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time?
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DownUp +18

What is the difference between a counterfeit dollar and a crazy rabbit?
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DownUp +19

What do you get when you cross a lion and a parrot?
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DownUp +28

Why is writing called handwriting?
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DownUp +38

What weighs a thousand pounds, has four legs, flies, and is yellow?
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DownUp +39

What weighs a thousand pounds, has four legs, flies, and is yellow?
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DownUp +15

What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?
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DownUp +31

Why is school out at three o’clock?
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DownUp +23

How do you make an elephant float?
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DownUp +34

Why did the girl stand on a ladder when she learned how to sing?
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DownUp +25

Why did the chicken cross the road?
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DownUp +11