Medical Riddles

When it become french fires :-)

When does an Indian Potato changes its nationality ?
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What is the best thing to take when you’re run over?
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When they take out an appendix, it’s an appendectomy; when they remove your tonsils, it’s a tonsillectomy. What is it when they remove a growth from your head?
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What do you have if your head is hot, your feet are cold, and you see spots in front of your eyes?
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What did the nervous kid say when the doctor asked if he had been getting enough iron?
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What’s the difference between a person with a terrible toothache and a rainy day?
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What did the doctor say to the patient when he finished removing his appendix?
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What did the ill woman say when the doctor asked if she smoked cigarettes?
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What do you get if you add 13 hospital patients and 13 hospital patients?
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What did the doctor find when he examined the X-ray of the dummy’s head?
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What do you call a person who doesn’t have all his fingers on one hand?
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Why is Congress like a cold?
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Why did the mother ghost take her depressed ghost child to the doctor?
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Why did the kid put his hand in the fuse box when the weather got hot?
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What is the difference between a person with a cold and a strong wind?
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What does every drowning person say no matter what language he speaks?
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Why are doctors stingy?
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Why shouldn’t you make jokes about an overweight person?
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How can you keep from getting a sharp pain in your eye when you drink chocolate milk?
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Why did the invisible mother take her invisible child to the doctor?
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