Medical Riddles - Page 5

How long should doctors practice medicine?
See the solution

How can you tell if a bucket is not well?
See the solution

How did the skeleton know it was raining?
See the solution

Why does a dentist seem moody?
See the solution

How is medicine packaged for astronauts?
See the solution

What is the famous last word in surgery?
See the solution

What happens when a pony gets sunburned?
See the solution

Why did the doctor give up his practice?
See the solution

What do you get if an ax hits your head?
See the solution

Why can’t you believe what doctors say?
See the solution

How can you tell if you are cross-eyed?
See the solution

How can you tell if a mummy has a cold?
See the solution

Why did the secretary cut her fingers off?
See the solution

Why did the secretary cut her fingers off?
See the solution

How can you tell if a bucket is not well?
See the solution

How did the skeleton know it was raining?
See the solution

Why does a dentist seem moody?
See the solution

How is medicine packaged for astronauts?
See the solution

What is the famous last word in surgery?
See the solution

What happens when a pony gets sunburned?
See the solution